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Preferred library: Fraser Lake Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 10 (page 1 of 1)
Management plan for elk (cervus elaphus) in the Yukon [electronic resource] / prepared by the Yukon Elk Management Planning Team.
Management plan for the Aishihik wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) herd in Southwestern Yukon [electronic resource] / prepared by the Yukon Wood Bison Technical Team as recommended by the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.
Three decades of caribou recovery programs in Yukon [electronic resource] : a paradigm shift in wildlife management / by Richard Farnell.
Management plan for the Aishihik wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) herd in Southwestern Yukon [electronic resource] / prepared by the Yukon Wood Bison Technical Team as recommended by the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.
Management plan for elk (cervus elaphus) in the Yukon [electronic resource] / prepared by the Yukon Elk Management Planning Team.
Recovery of the Chisana caribou herd in the Alaska/Yukon borderlands [electronic resource] : captive-rearing trials / prepared by Chisana Caribou Recovery Team.
Recovery of the Chisana caribou herd in the Alaska/Yukon borderlands [electronic resource] : captive-rearing trials / prepared by Chisana Caribou Recovery Team.
Conserving caribou landscapes in the Nahanni trans-border region using fidelity to seasonal ranges and migration routes / John L. Weaver.
Choisir entre les caribous et le pétrole [enregistrement vidéo] / Société Radio-Canada
Choisir entre les caribous et le pétrole [enregistrement vidéo] /  Société Radio-Canada

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