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Preferred library: Fraser Lake Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 1109 (page 1 of 111)
True wayfaring Christians : [microform] form and meaning in the Overlander narratives / by Joanne Marie Sawadsky.
A journey to California, 1841; the first emigrant party to California by wagon train: the journal of John Bidwell.  Introd. by Francis P. Farquhar.
The gold rush trail and the road to Oregon / Todd Webb.
Life of Peter Cook, known as "Captain Cook"; a record of crossing the plains.  From his memoirs as written by himself and daughters, and from scrapbooks and diaries.  Compiled by his only living grandchild, Thomas S. Ball and his wife Harriet Ball.
The overland diary of James A. Pritchard from Kentucky to California in 1849. With a biography of Captain James A. Pritchard, by Hugh Pritchard Williamson.  Edited by Dale L. Morgan, with an introd., bibliography, and a chart of travel by all known diarists west across South Pass in 1849, and illustrated with a port., and 2 unpublished maps of 1849 drawn by J. Goldsborough Bruff.
The opening of the California Trail; the story of the Stevens Party from the reminiscences of Moses Schallenberger ... as set down for H.H. Bancroft about 1885, edited and expanded by Horace S. Foote in 1888, and now edited with introd., notes, maps, and illus. by George R. Stewart.
Covered wagon days
The Kilgore journal of an overland journey to California in the year 1850, ed. by Joyce Rockwood Muench; from the original manuscript journal of William H. Kilgore.
The Journal of Madison Berryman Moorman, 1850-1851, ed., with notes and an introd., by Irene D. Paden; together with a biographical sketch of the author by his granddaughter, Louise Parks Banes.
John Udell Journal, kept during a trip across the plains, containing account of the massacre of a portion of his party by the Mojave Indians in 1859. Introd. [by] Lyle H. Wright.

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